French people don't have the reputation to speak very well English...or just a little BIT
Nice the noise of something turning on just before the strange sound...
Otherway, in the comments of this video (moderated to let the best), we can find a lot of new Youtube users ! Strange, isn't it ?...
c'est pas un fake des amis on entendu ce son aussi
Registration on 19th January 2012...
Des amis à marseille ont entendu des sons similaires la semaine passée
Registration on 18th January 2012... Says that this following video is a FAKE : bruit étrange Alsace
Registration on 17th January 2012... Says that this following video is a FAKE : bruit étrange Alsace
Nice to have used the expression OMG (french people don't usually know what does it mean...) then the bad word in french in the other fake
Registration on 17th January 2012...
Registration on 17th January 2012...
Registration on 17th January 2012...
It's the end of the world lol no seriously it's freaking out
Registration on 17th January 2012...
Registration on 17th January 2012... Waouh ! He speaks English !!!
Registration on 19th January 2012...
entendu pareil à Istres (13) ^par un pote qui a été réveillé par le bruit.
Moi aussi je l'ai entendu !!! C'est fou, mais c'était quoi ?!
J'ai entendu la même chose à Lille vers 00h30 cette nuit, flippant
mon dieu
Let see a video made by an other french person with a proof that this nimes' video is a fake
Thanks to myst02
These french videos are FAKES !!!
And unfortunatly, in the world, if some videos are real, because of these kind of people, nobody will believe on these new events of strange
I don't say that all videos around the world about "strange sounds" are fakes, I would tell you that you have to be aware in each informations you can find on the
web and don't take informations, officials or not as real truth.
I would like that each person in the world try to find the truth by himself and don't take all what is saying on the web for real truth. Like this, we could
discover, slowly, all together the universal truths.
Voir la page en Français : Le buzz des
sons étranges en France - Janvier 2012
It's not a fake some friends have heard this sound too